Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Baseball, hotdogs, apple pie and...... RAIN!!!!!!

So this is gonna sound crazy, but this was actually the first 4th of July that Scott and I have been able to enjoy together. The last two years we some how managed to end up either not feeling well or with some sort of stomach bug that lasted a couple of days. We both got to sleep in and I know for Scott it was some much needed rest. We had brunch at home, and then ate and early dinner. Our parade in Newnan started at 6 pm and I'm actually glad it wasn't a morning one that started at 9am like Peachtree City. It gave the weather a chance to cool down and gave us a chance to rest. Honestly, the parade wasn't the greatest, but it was just nice to get out and do something different with Scott than the normal daily routine in our life. =)

 The program leading up to the fireworks started at 8 and at that time it was just a little cloudy, but by the time they shot the fireworks for a grand total of 5min the sky fell in and we did not make it to our car dry.
Both of us we soaked to the bone and with hundreds of other people trying to get to their cars all at the same time it's a wonder we didn't get trampled on. We had a lady in front of us was taking her sweet time going up the stairs, and we asked to get by because seeing as how she had a massive umbrella and we did not, we were getting drowned just trying to go up the stairs. Well, Scott, very politely asked to get by and she LET US HAVE IT! Wow... note to self for next year... don't make any of the ladies with umbrellas mad, because it doesn't make any sense why they should let you by even if we don't have an umbrella and they do. LOL Anyways, we only got to see 5min of fireworks but it was so much fun. We sat in our car for about 30min trying to get out of the high school parking lot, and of course we just happened to be in front of the most impatient person on the earth who decided to blare the horn on his pickup at us for a good majority of the time, as if we could go anywhere.
Regardless of the impatient & rude people that were here and there, we had the best time ever!! We came home, curled up with a mug of hot chocolate and watched a movie together. I have to say, it was a very happy 4th of July. A day like this just makes me that much more thankful for those who sacrifice so that we can have the freedom to have days like these.

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