Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I love smoothies and I think you will too!

I'm sorry that this week is going to sound kinda blah so I figured I would just share it with you and then brighten it up with this amazing smoothie recipe so you  can make smoothies with the exact same texture as at a smoothie shop.
Last Saturday night I started to feel a little more tired than I normally do. So I went to bed at 8pm an only woke up once to use the restroom. I slept till 7:30 am and could barely lift my head without feeling like I was 'A' going to lose everything or 'B' going to keel over and die.  I went back to sleep for 30 more minutes hoping it would go away but it definitely stuck around. So I texted the Sunday School supervisor and explained my situation and that I would not be able to make it that morning to teach the first graders. I felt so bad about doing that but it was probably best because I seriously had issues sitting up the entire rest of the day. Poor Scott. He usually goes without me if I'm just sick but he was worried that I wouldn't even be able to get a drink of water. I know I know I was pretty pathetic looking that day. The next day I had to go into work at 8 and even though I was feeling a little better I knew that this was going to be a rough day. I managed to get there but I almost lost everything 3 times and I seriously think the only thing that kept me from actually doing it was the bottle of sprite that I had been sipping down all morning. I called just about every single person that could take my place and of all days no one could do it. *sigh* So somehow I made it till 4pm and I cannot tell you how happy I was to get home. By yesterday I felt amazing and got a ton of packing done. It's so crazy how this all works. Feeling terrible one day and then amazing the next. I don't get it but I'm just glad to be my old self.  Like I said; kinda a blah week so here's the smoothie recipe to sweeten your day! =)

This recipe is more to get the consistency of a smoothie shop smoothie so experiment with different kinds of fruit to create your favorite.

I like a lot of berry smoothies so that's what I usually do but this will work with just about anything. To start out with you are going to want to liquefy all of your fruit in the blender with anything else you might add such as yogurt. I did mine with just fruit so you don't have to add yogurt if you don't want to. After you have liquefied everything you are going to want your liquefied fruit to measure half the measurement of the glass you are going to use. I used a 16 oz glass so after liquefying my berries I needed it to be 8 oz worth berries. You get better at guessing the more you do it but for starters just add a little fruit at a time as you liquefy it so you can get it just right. Now you are going to want to use the same glass you are going to serve it in and fill that glass up with ice. Put the ice in the blender with your liquefied fruit and mix until all of the ice is thoroughly blended. Remember that in a smoothie shop their blenders are commercial grade so they are very powerful. It may take a little longer for your at home blender to get all of the ice crushed. You may have to stop it once and take a long spoon to stir up the contents once and re blend it, Pour it in your glass and enjoy!

This smoothie recipe is sure to make your blah week a little brighter. It did for me! =)


  1. Thanks for the smoothie tips, Julie. I love homemade smoothies! =) Have you ever tried adding a handful of fresh spinach or kale to a fruit smoothie? It's really yummy and aside from a slightly greenish tint, you can't taste the veggies at all. It's sooooo good for you and would probably be a really good way to get extra nutrients to your baby also. =) I prefer spinach because it's considered a healthy superfood. After hearing about the veggie smoothies last summer, I experimented with them and found they actually are really good!

  2. I haven't been bold enough to try it yet but I think now that you have told me that it is actually really good I will have to! I saw one where they had used cucumber and I thought that would be a fun one try try with watermelon this summer =)
