Thursday, April 28, 2011

Our baby boy =)

So yesterday we finally found out that Scott and I are going to be proud parents of a precious little boy. Scott took off of work for the whole day so that we could be together and Scott's mom took part of the day off so she could be there too. =) My appointment was at 9am and I am not a morning person these days so I was already feeling a little woozy but the excitement seemed to add to that. I was really thankful that I could just enjoy the ride there and lay back in the seat instead of having to drive myself like I normally do for my appointments. There seemed to be a couple of other people at the OBGYN finding out what they were having that day so it was an exciting morning for all of us. I couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear the whole time and it must be contagious because even some of the nurses that never crack a smile smiled back yesterday. hehehe I enjoyed my first ultrasound when my baby was still the size of a Lima bean, but this one was really amazing. A baby is a miracle from God in itself but to get to see his tiny arms and legs moving and even see him suck his thumb?! Needless to say we are very excited and to see Scott thrilled and his mom touched at the ultrasound really made my entire day.

Sean Fuller

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