Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Unexpected blessings and miracles....

Well as some of you have already read on my Facebook status, I left my car in Neutral on a steep driveway resulting in me, my mom-in-law, and my sister-in-law getting a little bruised in attempts to stopping the runaway car. I had just stepped out and was bending over into the car on the driver's side when it started rolling pretty fast. My shoulders are a little sore, my legs hurt and my toe is a little sore from digging into my flip flop trying to gain support, but really nothing that bad. Scott's mom on the other hand got a pretty bad welt/bruise on her leg. I know that has to hurt today, but I am sooooo grateful that God protected us in spite of my stupidity! So many things could have gone horribly wrong. Mom could have ended up in the emergency room, the car door could have rammed into baby Sean and killed him at the speed the car was going, one of the tires could have run clear over Sharon's foot, and Seth who was in the back seat and unable to get out could have been killed had it run into the mailbox or tree if the car had not miraculously stopped. I'm just thanking God that none of those things happened and that we were able to walk away from it with the bruises and the aches that we got. So this was definitely a blessing and miracle.
Have you ever put a $10 bill in one of your coat pockets, and totally forget about it? Then a year later you go to put that coat on and find it? =) Well I didn't find a $10 bill but my unexpected blessing came in the form of a turkey. No, I did not find a turkey in my coat pocket. LOL. I had bought it 2 days after Christmas at $0.50 a lb, put in Scott's parent's freezer and had completely forgotten about till this week. This month and last month had been somewhat of a financially tight time, and we had chosen to go meatless [we were still doing eggs, dairy, and plenty of veggi protein. don't worry ya'll =) ] for two weeks to try to get a little ahead so that it wouldn't continue to be this way, but then I remembered the turkey in the freezer on Memorial day when we were over at the house =) Sure it's June but honestly the turkey tasted so much better in mid summer when I wasn't already sick of it from Thanksgiving and then having it again only a month later on Christmas! God chooses to bless in so many different ways. I think a lot of times He blesses us more than we realize, but we fail to take the time to see just how good He really is. My prayer is that I would take more time to see His goodness to us through every situation in life and never take it for granted. Oh, and I got the results back from my second glucose test, and these came back perfectly normal. I don't have gestational diabetes =)

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