Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My mean parents....

Nothing could be farther from the truth than the title of this post, but I can't tell you how many times I thought that growing up. The closer baby Sean's arrival comes the more I'm being taught about how much God's love surpasses even the deepest love of a parent, and yet in so many ways they are alike. I've also been thinking how much as a child of God we resemble children no matter how old we are. How often as God's child do I praise and thank God when He is showering me with blessings, but as soon as the trials come I question His understanding? Children do that. When their parents are loving on them and giving them good things they are happy and mom and dad love them, but as soon as they are told 'no' their parents supposedly no longer love them or know what's best for them from the child's perspective. How often does God, like my parents withhold something that may seem good in my eyes because He knows so much more than me and is willing to be 'unliked' for a time to protect me from consequences that I cannot fathom? God and a parent's love is so deep that it is wiling to do what's best for the child at the risk of being accused of not caring or loving. Another resemblance I have noticed in God's love and a parents love is that a child will sometimes misrepresent or change what his parents say for his convenience. How often as a child of God do I take His word out of context to find peace and to attempt to justify my selfish whims and agendas. A child says, "I know what I'm doing. You don't know what you're talking about. You've never been through what I'm going through" and we all know how foolish that is to say that to an adult who has already learned significantly more, but how often do I do that to God? I may think I know what I am doing, that I can simply "follow my heart" and I may read my Bible and pray but when I get my eyes focused on something I want, then suddenly I am the only ones who understand MY situation, I am the only one who has been through this and I am the only one that knows what I am talking about. Then to top it all off, I'm even willing to go as far as distance myself from the people who care enough to tell me the truth and surround myself with the people that will make me feel the way I want to feel. God says in Jeremiah 17:9, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"
The truth is I will never be 'adult' enough to run my own life. I am still a child. I simply have gone from being directly under my parents care to being under my heavenly Father's care. I am humbled at the fact that my parents were willing to be misunderstood, misrepresented, and even have their love under estimated, but what humbles me even more is to have learned that God's love is infinitely greater than that. He loved me before I loved Him. He gave His life when it was my sins that put Him on the cross. And lives forever and cares for us in a way that no one else ever could.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hello, Energy!!

I don't know what it is about the last two days, but I am full of energy. Or maybe it's been so long since I've had energy that it feels like I'm wired LOL. Either way, it's been amazing. I've been to the pool to swim for two days in a row. I actually COOKED dinner for myself the last two nights instead of dragging myself to the kitchen for a peanut butter sandwich that I normally barely manage to eat before I fall asleep on my plate. I've been doing tons of laundry, and I even got out before I had to go to work today to buy organizers to straighten out all the baby stuff that is beginning to accumulate. =) Big Lots has tons of organizers and bins on sale in the bright greens and blues that I am using for Sean's little corner. They were half the price they were at Walmart so I was very happy about that.
I am hoping that I have this much energy tomorrow, because I really want to get the crib skirt done. I have the fabric but this last month I was doing good to just get the minimal laundry, cooking, and dishes done.
The blue and green stackables were $3.50 a piece!
So I know this is really random, but we are doing disposable diapers anytime I am at work (save Scott some stress =) , when Sean is at the church nursery, or just when we are out in general. Since I will be home just about all the time with Sean, we decided to do cloth for those times just to save on a little money. I started searching for diaper pins. I knew that with everyone going green a lot of people are using the more updated versions of cloth diapers with their super easy to use diaper covers instead of the plastic pants, but you still have to have diaper pins at some point right? Well, to my surprise, diaper pins have not evolved much from when I was a bambino still crawling in my little cloth diapers. Everything I came across seemed to be the generic pastel blue, pink, yellow or white. Nothing wrong with that but I thought it would be fun to have something different. I made a trip to Babiesrus and found these little guys! =)
How could I go wrong with laughing monkeys and bananas?

One last thing before I head off to bed! Scott got to feel Sean's elbow sliding across my belly for the first time a few nights ago. He had the most horrified expression on his face as if he had just witnessed an alien invasion.  Poor thing.... but once he had a minute to take it in, he was pretty excited. hehehe

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Earn your "mommy dollars" at the Hope Boutique!

For the last month I have been going once a week to a little baby/maternity boutique that is tucked away on the corner of West Washington St. in downtown Newnan, GA. From the outside it looks like a cute little consignment shop specializing in baby clothing, baby equipment and maternity wear, but for those who participate in the "earn while you learn" program it's so much more than just a consignment shop. The Hope Boutique is more than just a store. It's a ministry that is helping mommies and babies throughout this part of Georgia.
The "earn while you learn" program offered in the boutique is designed to educate women to become the best mommy they can be before and after having their baby. Each session is held once a week by appointment and usually doesn't last more than 20-30 min. There is an educational DVD that you sit down and watch while filling out a questionnaire sheet on that DVD to keep you alert through the whole thing. Afterward you are given homework that matches the lesson you just completed and a Bible homework booklet based off of the adult level "mailbox club" series. Each week you can earn up to 5 "mommy dollars". (1 for showing up, 1 for showing up on time, 1 for doing your homework, 1 for doing the lesson & 1 for bringing your spouse) These "mommy dollars" can be used toward anything in the store including a specialty section that is only offered to those participating in the "earn while you learn" program. This specialty section includes: a 12 pack of diapers in any size for $1, 1 pack of wipes for $2, a small can of formula for $2,  2 pack of cloth diapers for $1, baby food, baby cereal, and etc. A mommy dollar equates to = $1 cash when being used in the store. Since Scott is at work each week when I go I get 4 mommy dollars so I am able to get two $1 packs of diapers and a pack of wipes each week. Or sometimes I just get the diapers and save the other two for the following week if there is something bigger I want to purchase.
Not only has this program been a blessing to help with the material needs for baby Sean, it has helped me to feel more confident and prepared for when he is born. Each lesson covers a different topic and this week I learned about bonding with my baby before birth. I was amazed to learn just how much a baby can comprehend before birth. The ladies that work there are so sweet and very helpful. Well this is my mini review on the Hope Boutique and I hope you will check it out when you get the chance!

The Hope Boutique
13 West Washington St
Newnan, GA 30263
* They are open Wed - Sat/10 - 4 pm

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Baseball, hotdogs, apple pie and...... RAIN!!!!!!

So this is gonna sound crazy, but this was actually the first 4th of July that Scott and I have been able to enjoy together. The last two years we some how managed to end up either not feeling well or with some sort of stomach bug that lasted a couple of days. We both got to sleep in and I know for Scott it was some much needed rest. We had brunch at home, and then ate and early dinner. Our parade in Newnan started at 6 pm and I'm actually glad it wasn't a morning one that started at 9am like Peachtree City. It gave the weather a chance to cool down and gave us a chance to rest. Honestly, the parade wasn't the greatest, but it was just nice to get out and do something different with Scott than the normal daily routine in our life. =)

 The program leading up to the fireworks started at 8 and at that time it was just a little cloudy, but by the time they shot the fireworks for a grand total of 5min the sky fell in and we did not make it to our car dry.
Both of us we soaked to the bone and with hundreds of other people trying to get to their cars all at the same time it's a wonder we didn't get trampled on. We had a lady in front of us was taking her sweet time going up the stairs, and we asked to get by because seeing as how she had a massive umbrella and we did not, we were getting drowned just trying to go up the stairs. Well, Scott, very politely asked to get by and she LET US HAVE IT! Wow... note to self for next year... don't make any of the ladies with umbrellas mad, because it doesn't make any sense why they should let you by even if we don't have an umbrella and they do. LOL Anyways, we only got to see 5min of fireworks but it was so much fun. We sat in our car for about 30min trying to get out of the high school parking lot, and of course we just happened to be in front of the most impatient person on the earth who decided to blare the horn on his pickup at us for a good majority of the time, as if we could go anywhere.
Regardless of the impatient & rude people that were here and there, we had the best time ever!! We came home, curled up with a mug of hot chocolate and watched a movie together. I have to say, it was a very happy 4th of July. A day like this just makes me that much more thankful for those who sacrifice so that we can have the freedom to have days like these.