Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A great Memorial Day weekend!

This was a much needed 3 day weekend!! It was really nice to be able to wake up Monday morning and just do nothing and have Scott there all day with me. It's so rare that we get a whole day together because I work all Saturday while he is visiting the bus route and on Sunday we cross paths from time to time between teaching Sundays school,  the bus route, church and Sundays school. We spent the first half of our day just chillin' and then we went over to his parents house for dinner. =) We got our washer and dryer hooked up on Sunday night and in my new over enthusiastic attitude towards doing laundry, I stayed up till midnight just doing load after load after load. LOL (Hey! don't judge me. You'd be excited too if you went for 3 months without your own washer and dryer. LOL) Needless to say, there is laundry eeeeeeeverywhere right now!! While we were over at his parents house, his mom, sister and I made a quick trip to Target where I found a really cute rug to put in front of the crib for $2.50! Gotta love Target's $1 & $2.50 corner.

P.S. Our registry is for the most part completed! Look at the top of the page for the "Baby Sean's Registry" link if you would like to take a peek =)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Makin' progress a little at a time.

Today went from a kinda scary day to super fun. I found out this morning that i may have gestational diabetes, and I have to go in this Friday to run tests for 3 hours straight. =( But after hearing about the experiences of my friends who have already had it, it made it a little easier to deal with. I went with my friend, Mellisa to Babies-r-us to go registry "shopping" and spent most of the afternoon doing that and that made the day so so so much better. THERE'S SOOOOOO MUCH BABY STUFF OUT THERE!!! I'm glad I didn't try to do it alone. That would have been way overwhelming.  While we were out, I was able to find a Noah's ark wall decal on clearance. Woohoo! And yesterday, I found giraffe print fabric on clearance for $2 a yard. =) Not so great things happen but good things happen too. My giraffe baby bumper isn't quite finished yet but I layed it along the inside of our crib just so you could get an idea of what it looks like. I'm thinking of using the leftover fabric to make a little cushion that looks like a side profile of a giraffe with its eyes closed. I'll pin the head on the outside of the bumper so the crib bumper looks like a sleeping giraffe all curled up around the baby. Have to play with it a little to figure it out but so far I'm really pleased with how it's coming. Well, here's a picture of Sean's baby corner!

The Baby Corner

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Just wanted to take a minute to praise the Lord....

Well I have a lot to thank God for so let me see how quickly I can say this and see if I can do it in one breath. Ready? Here it goes. We needed a washer and dryer and God used my family to provide one. Scott was bummed about a design job he never got payed for, due to working with a dishonest person and the next week I found a $25 olive garden gift card that my mom gave us 2 years ago for valentine's day and I just found it. My car broke down but the washer and dryer was so inexpensive that the rest of the money from my parents covered the car repairs. We were short on funds last month because Scott wasn't ever payed for the work he had completed, but then my paycheck was about $150 more than what we had expected it to be. *gasp* There! Did it. Our Father is rich isn't He?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

my family comes into town tomorrow =)

I am so excited!!!! I haven't seen my family tin 2 1/2 years! AAAHHH! So happy. We're all going to go to the world of coke on Friday and then Saturday is my mom's birthday, then mother's day! It'll be a lot of fun. I feel like I have been forever trying to declutter all of the papers and mail that are on my desk today. Really not motivated to do much of anything. Thankfully I have most of it done.  Scott has been a huge help too, I wouldn't have been able to get a lot of the stuff needed to be done around the house without him. Along with going through my mountain of papers I got my scrap book picture up in the baby corner. I keep finding all these adorable board books to fill his "bed time story basket" with. Scott and I take turns reading to Sean. He seems to really like it. He gets so excited when we do. LOL Doesn't the teddy bear look so cute just sitting there??? Here are some pics of my progress thus far:

On top of the mini dresser: Sean's teddy bear patiently awaits the arrival of his little buddy.
Scrapbook Picture: oh, and yes I did. hehehehe
The Baby Corner

Baby Sean: can't wait to put a "new" picture in the next frame =)