Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Great Aunt Jo's first day in heaven.

Aunt Jo was my great aunt and because I lost all of my grandparents at an early age in many ways she was a grandmother to me. She was a children's Sunday school teacher for years in her church an ran a day care out of her home single handedly.  If I had to sum her up in 3 words they would be "one tough cookie". I remember very well visiting her with my family and at lunch time she would have whipped up something like spaghetti or mashed 'taters and corn on the cob and maybe even a cobler. I remember getting to rowdy with my cousins and being chased around the house with the fly swat. =) And if I dared spill anything on her carpet she would have made me "clean it up with my eyeballs." These are all fond memories I have of Aunt Jo but I think more than anything I remember her talking about heaven and listening to her you couldn't help but know it was real. She missed my uncle "Paw" who had went to be with the Lord several years back, but she kept on going because she knew there were still things that had to be done. She had broken her back and was in a lot of pain. I called her the day before her surgery and the day after, and it seemed to have helped a lot, but today she went to be with Jesus and I know she is happier than ever now. I miss her so much but what a blessing to know she has finally reached her destination for which she had for so long waited. We all miss you, Aunt Jo. And we will definitely shed some tears, but know that we're so happy that you're with Jesus and that you are reunited with Paw and many others that we love and miss. Thanks for the impact you had on my life.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I love smoothies and I think you will too!

I'm sorry that this week is going to sound kinda blah so I figured I would just share it with you and then brighten it up with this amazing smoothie recipe so you  can make smoothies with the exact same texture as at a smoothie shop.
Last Saturday night I started to feel a little more tired than I normally do. So I went to bed at 8pm an only woke up once to use the restroom. I slept till 7:30 am and could barely lift my head without feeling like I was 'A' going to lose everything or 'B' going to keel over and die.  I went back to sleep for 30 more minutes hoping it would go away but it definitely stuck around. So I texted the Sunday School supervisor and explained my situation and that I would not be able to make it that morning to teach the first graders. I felt so bad about doing that but it was probably best because I seriously had issues sitting up the entire rest of the day. Poor Scott. He usually goes without me if I'm just sick but he was worried that I wouldn't even be able to get a drink of water. I know I know I was pretty pathetic looking that day. The next day I had to go into work at 8 and even though I was feeling a little better I knew that this was going to be a rough day. I managed to get there but I almost lost everything 3 times and I seriously think the only thing that kept me from actually doing it was the bottle of sprite that I had been sipping down all morning. I called just about every single person that could take my place and of all days no one could do it. *sigh* So somehow I made it till 4pm and I cannot tell you how happy I was to get home. By yesterday I felt amazing and got a ton of packing done. It's so crazy how this all works. Feeling terrible one day and then amazing the next. I don't get it but I'm just glad to be my old self.  Like I said; kinda a blah week so here's the smoothie recipe to sweeten your day! =)

This recipe is more to get the consistency of a smoothie shop smoothie so experiment with different kinds of fruit to create your favorite.

I like a lot of berry smoothies so that's what I usually do but this will work with just about anything. To start out with you are going to want to liquefy all of your fruit in the blender with anything else you might add such as yogurt. I did mine with just fruit so you don't have to add yogurt if you don't want to. After you have liquefied everything you are going to want your liquefied fruit to measure half the measurement of the glass you are going to use. I used a 16 oz glass so after liquefying my berries I needed it to be 8 oz worth berries. You get better at guessing the more you do it but for starters just add a little fruit at a time as you liquefy it so you can get it just right. Now you are going to want to use the same glass you are going to serve it in and fill that glass up with ice. Put the ice in the blender with your liquefied fruit and mix until all of the ice is thoroughly blended. Remember that in a smoothie shop their blenders are commercial grade so they are very powerful. It may take a little longer for your at home blender to get all of the ice crushed. You may have to stop it once and take a long spoon to stir up the contents once and re blend it, Pour it in your glass and enjoy!

This smoothie recipe is sure to make your blah week a little brighter. It did for me! =)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

So it finally happened....

Yup, morning sickness hit me full blast this morning just as I was walking out the door to go to work. Not fun at all. *BLEH* This is the first time it's ever happened too.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's day, Munchkin!

So I pretty much had the most amazing Valentine's day ever. I had the day off and Scott got half a day so that he could be with me and see the baby for the first time. He came home from work with flowers and a single red rose. We had a really quick late lunch before we headed off to have the ultrasound. We found out we are having one baby. (sorry no twins. LOL)  Baby Munchkin had a heart rate of 154, and was all comfortable curled up today so we had a hard time determining the actual size. The look on Scott's face was priceless. It was the coolest thing to see the little heart flutter. We spent some time in down town and just took a walk together because the weather was so beautiful today. We were going to go to an Italian restaurant in town, but we found it so much more fun just to ditch our plans and play it by ear. We ended up walking by a cafeteria style restaurant and ate there. I know that catfish, green beans and beets might not sound like your typical Valentine's day dinner but to me it was better than any else we could have done. It was so wonderful just to set aside the normal hectic life we both have just to celebrate. To celebrate our love for each other and for the beginning of our little family. We just walked for a little while more and then spent the rest of our night watching a movie together. It was fun and relaxing. Well here are the pictures of baby Munchkin that I have promised everyone so enjoy!

Scott looks so proud!
Munchkin was comfy all curled up and it was hilarious listening to the nurse trying to talk the baby into stretching out for us. LOL
I honestly feel just about as tired as I look in this picture.

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I don't like being sick....

I really don't and I don't think the baby likes it either 'cause I can't seem to get comfortable when I lay down, sit down or anything!! *sigh* hopefully I feel better for the ultrasound tomorrow. Goodnight for now.

Friday, February 11, 2011

I think I might have felt hiccups!

So a lot has happened in just the last two days. Yesterday I handed in my two week notice at the cafe. I hated doing it but the way things are going at work makes it really hard for me. I go in and the smells that didn't bother me before now make me want to gag. Especially the smell of the CAFIZA  cleaners. Bleh.... On top of that I am standing for about 8 hours a day with one 30 min break to sit down so that is really hard, not to mention the bending over I have to do for every order that is made and having to climb a ladder isn't the greatest either when your center of gravity is all out of whack. It was really hard to do but at the same time it's kind of a relief to know that I will finally be getting some rest. This will also allow me to pack for our big moving day on the 28th!! So excited. Sure we're only moving 20 min up the road but we are moving into a beautiful loft apartment!! Work was really busy today. I should have never complained about it being so dead yesterday. LOL Then again it did make the time go by so much faster. Oh.... so I had a crazy guy, one of our regulars we lovingly named "jittery Joe" comes in, he buys a cup of coffee, leaves, comes back in 6 hours later, and demanded that I give him another cup at refill price. Yeah...... no cup and 6 hours later..... So apparently by telling him, "Sir, I'm very sorry but I'm not allowed to do that," I was having a bad attitude about it and he demanded to see the manager who turned around and told him the exact same thing. Of course he yelled at me and my manager and by the time he got done saying what he felt like needed to be said we were both emotionally drained. Well.... we didn't see ol' jittery Joe today but maybe that was a good thing for my sake. Phew..... I'm sorry. I know that was totally random but I just had to share. Well I was standing over the cafe sink washing dishes and I felt these little pulses in my belly. And every 3 seconds or so another pulse. I think maybe..... a hiccup?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Pickles and ice cream....

So here's my story. On December 21st my hubby found out that he was accepted for a corporate position in Atlanta to become the director of in house design for this company. That afternoon we found out we had been denied for our first car. That night.... we found out we have another Fuller on the way. Talk about overwhelming! When I told Scott that we were expecting, I got nothing but a blank stare.  Of course things got better the next morning when he started getting pats on the back from his buddies at work. =) Things are going really well so far. I haven't really had any problems with morning sickness other than being tired and dizzy every now and then. My baby seems to really like subway and sushi. During the Sunday evening service on the 23rd I got a sudden craving for Subway's roast chicken sub. So we went and had it for dinner that night and we both got a foot long to save the other half for lunch the next day. Let's just say I went to bed thinking about it and I dreamed about that other half of sandwich and I woke up thinking about it and it definitely didn't make it past breakfast. I thought that surely after eating subway for dinner and breakfast I would be satisfied but NO! The baby demanded more and I ate my hubbies other half for lunch.  I spent some time shopping that afternoon and ended up driving past a subway......... yeah..... I had it for dinner too... so what.... leave me alone! Sheesh.......
Things haven't been that way every day. but the journey towards motherhood has been a smooth one so far. Something tells me things might get very different in the later months though. We'll see. Oh and by the way we ended up getting a better deal on another car where the payments would be better. God knew all along. And my hubby went with the job and is very very happy with it. All things work together for good.